@extends('layouts.main') @section('content') @push('head')
{{ __('packge. This package allows for users to be associated with permissions and roles. Every role is associated with multiple permissions. A ')}} Role
{{ __('and a')}} Permission
{{ __('are regular Eloquent models.')}} {{ __('Cheers!')}}
{{ __('stay hungry stay foolish!')}}
{{ __('Edit permission will visible only for')}} Super Admin
{{ __('role and')}} manage_sales
{{ __('permission')}}
{{ __('Company')}} | {{ __('Start Date')}} | {{ __('End Date')}} | {{ __('Status')}} |
{{ __('Apple Company')}} | {{ __('23/05/2017')}} | {{ __('04/08/2018')}} | |
{{ __('Envato Pvt Ltd.')}} | {{ __('20/03/2017')}} | {{ __('04/08/2019')}} | |
{{ __('Dribble Company')}} | {{ __('13/05/2017')}} | {{ __('03/01/2018')}} | |
{{ __('Adobe Family')}} | {{ __('11/01/2016')}} | {{ __('02/03/2017')}} | |
{{ __('Apple Company')}} | {{ __('23/05/2017')}} | {{ __('04/08/2018')}} |
{{ __('Members performance will visible only for')}} Super Admin
{{ __('role and')}} manage_projects
{{ __('permission')}}
![]() {{ __('Shirley Hoe')}}{{ __('Sales executive , NY')}} |
$78.001 |
![]() {{ __('James Alexander')}}{{ __('Sales executive , EL')}} |
$89.051 |
![]() {{ __('Shirley Hoe')}}{{ __('Sales executive , NY')}} |
$89.051 |
![]() {{ __('James Alexander')}}{{ __('Sales executive , EL')}} |
$78.001 |
![]() {{ __('Shirley Hoe')}}{{ __('Sales executive , NY')}} |
$78.001 |
{{ __('100')}} |
{{ __('Engagement')}} |
{{ __('480')}} |
{{ __('Likes')}} |
{{ __('230')}} |
{{ __('Clicks')}} |
{{ __('480')}} |
{{ __('Likes')}} |
{{ __('Edit permission will visible only for')}} Super Admin
{{ __('role and')}} manage_sales
{{ __('permission')}}
{{ __('Project task list will visible only for')}} Super Admin
{{ __('role and')}} manage_projects
{{ __('permission')}}
{{ __('Subject')}} | {{ __('Regarding')}} | {{ __('Activity Type')}} | {{ __('Activity Status')}} | {{ __('Owner')}} | {{ __('Priority')}} | {{ __('Start Date')}} | {{ __('End Date')}} |
{{ __('Building Marketing List')}} | {{ __('Software pro')}} | {{ __('Task')}} | {{ __('Ken Malit')}} | {{ __('Normal')}} | {{ __('7/8/2017')}} | {{ __('8/9/2018')}} | |
{{ __('Project Task List')}} | {{ __('Software pro')}} | {{ __('Task')}} | {{ __('Ken Mali')}}t | {{ __('Normal')}} | {{ __('7/8/2017')}} | {{ __('8/9/2018')}} | |
{{ __('Building Marketing List')}} | {{ __('Software pro')}} | {{ __('Task')}} | {{ __('Ken Malit')}} | {{ __('Normal')}} | {{ __('7/8/2017')}} | {{ __('8/9/2018')}} | |
{{ __('Project Task List')}} | {{ __('Software pro')}} | {{ __('Task')}} | {{ __('Ken Malit')}} | {{ __('Normal')}} | {{ __('7/8/2017')}} | {{ __('8/9/2018')}} | |
{{ __('Building Marketing List')}} | {{ __('Software pro')}} | {{ __('Task')}} | {{ __('Ken Malit')}} | {{ __('Normal')}} | {{ __('7/8/2017')}} | {{ __('8/9/2018')}} |
{{ __('Testimonial will visible only for')}} Super Admin
{{ __('role and')}} manage_projects
{{ __('permission')}}
{{ __('Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting.')}}
{{ __('Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting.')}}
{{ __('Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting.')}}
{{ __('Sales report will visible only for')}} Super Admin
{{ __('role and')}} manage_sales
{{ __('permission')}}
{{ __('Application')}} | {{ __('Sales')}} | {{ __('Change')}} | {{ __('Avg Price')}} | {{ __('Total')}} |
{{ __('Able Pro')}}{{ __('Powerful Admin Theme')}} |
16,300 | $53 | $15,652 | |
{{ __('Photoshop')}}{{ __('Design Software')}} |
26,421 | $35 | $18,785 | |
{{ __('Guruable')}}{{ __('Best Admin Template')}} |
8,265 | $98 | $9,652 | |
{{ __('Flatable')}}{{ __('Admin App')}} |
{{ __('10,652')}} | $20 | $7,856 |
{{ __('View all Sales url will visible only for')}} Super Admin
{{ __('role and')}} manage_sales
{{ __('permission')}}